Monday, May 31, 2010

Cartoon Bears Shouldn't Brag.

I don't like this.

I think it makes me uncomfortable thinking of who this was aimed at... it wasn't for the actual "Grunge" crowd, more like the NASCAR-Cap-and-sweatpants type of consumer. To me, it reeks like one of those "Dad's Lazy Sunday" or "Official Couch Potato" t-shirts that ended up at Marshall's by the boat load.

Either way, I don't like that bear's cocky demeanor.

Boot Scootin' Boogie? Yes, thank you.

I'm always tempted to bring these homemade beauties/atrocities home with me, but I never do.

I don't know if I like the time and effort (and love!) involved in making a "Homemade Ugly" or the thought of someone going out in public to say... cut-a-rug... in a line... in tight jeans.

Either way - I force myself to leave them on the rack, unsure of their true destiny. I take only a picture and their memory is enough.

Mission Statement.

I thought I would share some of the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY of the t-shirt world that I come across, looking for the good to pass along at my eBay store - VULTURE VINTAGE

There are many GOOD-BAD t-shirts, way too many just plain BAD t-shirts, and a host of homemade UGLIES out there. I would like to share some of these that need to be seen, loved and possibly cringed at.

Thank you for your time and always feel free to pass along any T-SHIRT MONSTROSITY you may come across.
